Psychological Dynamics of Adolescent Males PMO (Porn Masturbate Orgasm) Offenders

Irpan Zuhri, Elli Nur Hayati, Khoiruddin Bashori


The purpose of this study is to determine the psychological dynamics of late adolescent males who do PMO and what factors differentiate late adolescent males who do PMO and late adolescent males who do not. Data collection was carried out using observation and interview methods, using a qualitative research design with a case study approach. The subjects of the study were six people consisting of 3 male late adolescents who did PMO and 3 male late adolescents who did not. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it reveals that the psychological dynamics of adolescent PMO actors begins with the initial stages, namely the trying stage, the reinforcement stage, the stage of making PMO a habit, and ends with the stage of self-defiance conflict, whereas in adolescents who do not do PMO, the experimental stage gains understanding regarding early sex education and signs of puberty from the family environment and this education is not only used as a subject as knowledge but is used as a subject morality not to do PMO Factors that distinguish late adolescent boys who do PMO and late adolescent boys men who did not do PMO, namely sex education from the family environment, friendship environment, duration and how to watch pornography and coping in reducing stress. The impact of PMO consists of various impacts, namely cognitive, physical, psychological, social and spiritual impacts


adolescent, male late adolescence, porn masturbate orgasm

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