Rainwater Harvesting: Sustainable Behavior for Collective Well-Being and Environmental Sustainability

Unggul Haryanto Nur Utomo


The water crisis happens almost all over the world and has become a global crisis that must be handled by every country. Annual disasters that always occur in Indonesia and other tropical countries in general are drought during the dry season, floods and landslides during the rainy season. The phenomenon of climate change, extreme climates, rainfall and all flood control facilities are the variables most often used as discussion issues. Areas affected by drought will receive water distribution rations from the government and/or various parties through social service activities. These recurring disasters tend to be addressed pragmatically based on the condition of immediate needs. This situation continues every year until today, so we are actually trapped in a multiple disaster cycle. The important real action that must be taken is to explore methods to encourage active participation in activities that have a positive impact on the environment, starting with changes in sustainable behavior patterns. Changing people's behavior patterns is at the core of promoting sustainable development. During the rainy season it collects as much rainwater as possible, then the rainwater is treated through a water electrolysis process (ionization process) into low pH water (acidic, has an antiseptic and anti-bacterial function) and high pH water (alkaline, healthy drinking water). Every member of the community plays an active role in processing rainwater independently, has access to free and healthy drinking water, builds a healthy lifestyle, besides that there will be more reserves of groundwater available in the dry season. Rainwater harvesting (collecting, processing, harvesting) is eco-literation educational programs based on healthier, more positive and constructive sustainable behavior for collective well-being and the environment sustainability.


collective wellbeing; environmental sustainability;rainwater harvesting; sustainable behavior

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26555/intl%20con.v3i1.14383


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