Association of Depression and Binge Watching Factors in Early Adults

Reni Sriana Sriana, Marty Mawarpury Mawarpury, Haiyun Nisa Nisa, Syarifah Faradina Faradina


Binge watching is a form of coping that focuses on emotions that tend to be used to eliminate negative feelings such as depression. Theoretically, individuals who are depressed need coping that can help reduce their negative feelings, one of which is watching. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between depression and binge-watching factors in early adulthood. This study used a quantitative approach with 157 early adult samples selected by incidental sampling technique. Data analysis using the Spearman correlation technique showed that there was a relationship between depression and six binge watching factors, namely there was a relationship between depression and engagement (r=0,208; p=0,009), depression with positive emotion (r=0,201; p=0,012), depression with pleasure preservation (r=0.191; p=0.017), depression with dependency (r=0.372; p=0.001), depression with severity to continue watching/binge-watching (r=0.310; p=0.001), depression with loss control (r= 0.225; p=0.005), and there was no relationship between depression and the desire/savoring factor with r=0.132 (p=0.101). The majority of respondents were at a level of minimal depression and problematic high-involvement. This explains that although there is a relationship, depression is not a significant predictor of binge-watching behavior.


binge watching, depression, early adulthood

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