Decluttering to Increase Authentic Happiness in Individuals with A Consumption Lifestyle

Siti Zulicha, Farahdiba Ramadhani Hakim, Reihan Nisha Gunawan, Anisa Fitriani


The increase in consumptive culture is in line with the view of materialism (materialism happiness), which makes the property the main goal and source of happiness, thus encouraging impulsive buying behavior. The number of items collected at home can cause various negative impacts, as well as a false and temporary feeling of happiness. This condition is contrary to the concept of happiness from Martin E. P. Seligman which states that happiness should be authentic, cover all aspects, not temporary, not partial and emphasize the values of goodness. This study aims to determine the effect of decluttering to increase authentic happiness in consumptive people. This study used a quasi-experimental method of pretest-posttest one-group design with purposive sampling as the subject. Subjects consisted of 15 people, boys, and girls aged 17-21 years who had moderate to low levels of happiness and had moderate to high consumptive lifestyles. Decluttering was conducted 7 times through online and offline media. The data collection method used observation, interviews, and the Authentic Happiness Inventory scale with a reliability of 0.890. Analysis of quantitative data using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test obtained a p-value of 0.016 (p>0.05), so it can be concluded that there was a significant increase in happiness after the subject did declutter. The results of the qualitative analysis show that decluttering can help the subject feel a variety of positive emotions, focus on the activities being carried out, the emergence of positive relationships with those around them, be more grateful, and hone creativity.


authentic happiness, consumptive, decluttering,

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