Academic Procrastination, Family Social Support and Academic Stress: Literature Review

Nasrul Umam, Triana Noor Edwina Dewayani Soeharto


Academic stress on students is increasing during the covid 19 pandemic. How academic stress on students increases from time to time. Academic procrastination and family social support are factors associated with academic stress. This study aims to determine the direct effect of academic procrastination and family social support on academic stress in students through the literature review method. The researcher limited the search for literature studies by focusing on national and international students and peer-reviewed articles published from 2008 to 2020. Research journals were screened with a focus on journals related to topics of academic procrastination, family social support and academic stress. The search began in October 2020 and ended in May 2021. 20 journals were eligible for inclusion. There are 13 national journals and 7 international journals. The results of the study found that academic procrastination and family social support directly affect academic stress in students.


academic stress; academic procrastination; family social support.

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