Anxiety in Housewives Infected with HIV

Sherly Dwi Putri, Mutingatu Sholichah


This study aims to reveal the picture of anxiety in 2 housewives infected with HIV/AIDS from their husbands and the factors that influence it. This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. Data obtained through interviews and analysed using content analysis. Anxiety on the first subject S is indicated by thoughts about death and concerns about stigma and discrimination from the environment that made subject to stay away from her environment. In the second subject KL, anxiety is indicated by thoughts about death, fear of losing infected family members, worry about stigma and discrimination resulting in the subject becoming irritable, confused, having trouble sleeping, losing appetite, losing enthusiasm for life and not interested in planning for the future. Factors that influence anxiety in both subjects are physical condition, partner's HIV status, stigma, history of psychiatric illness and social support. The results of this study are expected to be the attention of health care institutions and become a reference in order to increase education about the importance of support for HIV/AIDS patients to avoid stigma and discrimination against PLWHA. As well as educating the public regarding reducing risk factors through a healthy lifestyle. 


anxiety, HIV/AIDS, house wives

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