The Relationship between Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Firefighters In Yogyakarta City

Yumna Maulidandya Fajria Hariq, Siti Mulyani


This study aimed to test empirically the relationship between work engagement and job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior. The subjects of this study were firefighters at Yogyakarta City. This study used a quantitative method, using the Organizational Citizenship Behavior scale to collect the data. The data were analyzed with the multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The analysis results showed that the regression coefficient of the relationship between work engagement and job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior was 0.746 with p =0.000 (p < 0.01), accepting the proposed hypothesis. Besides, the coefficient of the correlation between work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior was 0.362 with p = 0.005 (p < 0.01), accepting the H1, and the coefficient of the correlation between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior was 0.502 with p = 0.000 (p < 0.01) accepting the H2. Based on these study results, it was concluded that there is a significant relationship between work engagement and job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior among firefighters of Yogyakarta City. The higher their work engagement and job satisfaction, the higher organizational citizenship behavior.


job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, work engagement

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