Bibliocounseling with the teachings of k.h ahmad dahlan to promote peace

Siti Aisyah, Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra


Today, violence remains a serious threat to the globalized world. This violence is a projection of the absence of peace. this can also be felt in the aspect of education. Currently, there are many cases of brawls, bullying, insulting and other aggressive behaviors committed by students. This is clear evidence that peace within students is still low. Of course, this is inversely proportional to the condition where students should have peace within themselves. In overcoming this, counselors can use various methods, one of which is by using the teachings of K.H Ahmad Dahlan which are implemented into bibliocounseling services. This bibliocounseling service containing the teachings of K.H Ahmad Dahlan will later be filled with the values of peace from K.H Ahmad Dahlan, namely: 1) achieving life goals freely and responsibly, 2) being humble 3) seeking the truth and not following habits that are considered correct, 4) learning facts with full tolerance, 5) sacrificing for many people (compassion). Later, the implementation of the value of peace from K.H Ahmad Dahlan into bibliocounseling services aims to help students find peace in themselves and their lives. This research uses the literature review method. The literature review in this study can be used as a reference for future researchers to test its effectiveness.

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