Keumala Hayati, Indra Caniago


Abstract: The Ministry of Education and Culture launched the MBKM entrepreneurship program. Students who take part in the Independent Entrepreneurship program are expected to become future business leaders and innovators who can reduce unemployment rates, as well as expand the number of jobs in Indonesia. However, the implementation of this program needs to be evaluated for its effectiveness. This paper conducts a literature review and finds 20 articles that discuss MBKM and entrepreneurship. The analysis tool used was NVivo, so that a cluster of literature studies on MBKM entrepreneurship in Indonesia was found. The results of the analysis found that there were studies related to the influence of entrepreneurial MBKM on students, application of the entrepreneurial MBKM program, entrepreneurial MBKM teaching methods, and entrepreneurial MBKM learning. The findings from the literature review indicate that there is a positive influence of entrepreneurial MBKM on students' interest in entrepreneurship. However, the research literature that examines teaching and learning methods is still very small, so it is necessary to develop more findings related to teaching and learning methods to facilitate the program.

Keywords: MBKM Entrepreneurship, Education, Teaching, Learning 

Abstrak: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan mencanangkan proram MBKM kewirausahaan. Mahasiswa yang mengikuti program Wirausaha Merdeka diharapkan menjadi calon pemimpin dan inovator bisnis yang dapat menurunkan tingkat pengangguran, serta memperluas jumlah lapangan kerja di Indonesia. Namun implementasi program ini perlu dievaluasi keefektifannya. Makalah ini melakukan kajian literatur dan menemukan 20 artikel yang membahas MBKM dan kewirausahaan. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah NVivo, sehingga ditemukan klaster kajian literatur mengenai MBKM kewirausahaan di Indonesia. Hasil analisis ditemukan adanya kajian berkaitan dengan pengaruh MBKM kewirausahaan terhadap mahasiswa, penerapan program MBKM kewirausahaan, metode pengajaran MBKM kewirausahaan, serta pembelajaran MBKM kewirausahaan. Temuan dari kajian literatur menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh positif MBKM kewirausahaan terhadap minat berwirausaha mahasiswa. Namun literatur penelitian yang mengkaji metode pengajaran dan pembelajaran masih sangat sedikit, sehingga perlu lebih banyak dikembangkan temuan-temuan terkait metode pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk menfasilitasi program tersebut.

Kata Kunci: MBKM Kewirausahaan, Pendidikan, Pengajaran, Pembelajaran 

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