Hubungan antara Quality of Work Life dengan Organizational Citizenship Behaviour pada Karyawan Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Bantul

Siti Mulyani, Maulana Ikhsan Tantu


Abstract - This study aims to determine the relationship between Quality of Work Life and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Regional Secretariat Employees of Bantul Regency. The research subject is the Regional Secretariat of Bantul Regency. This research method uses quantitative research methods, data collection is taken using the Quality of Work Life and Organizational Citizenship Behavior scale. The data analysis technique in this research is using product moment analysis technique with the help of SPSS 16.00 For Windows program. Product moment correlation analysis resulted (r) of 0.498 with a significance level of 0.000 with p <0.001 which means that there is a very significant positive relationship between Quality of Work Life and organizational citizenship behavior, so the hypothesis in this study is declared accepted. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that there was a very significant positive relationship between Quality of Work Life and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Regional Secretariat Employees of Bantul Regency. Quality of Work Life contributed 24.8% to Organizational Citizenship Behavior.

Keywords: organizational citizenship behavior, quality of work life

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