Hubungan Antara Harga Diri dan Positive Religious Coping dengan Optimisme Pada Siswa SMA

Anggita Devy Kurnia Sari, Faridah Ainur Rohmah


Abstrack - This research aims to examine the relationship between self-esteem and positive religious coping with optimism in high school students. The population of this study were class XI students at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta with a sample size of 141 students. Sampling was carried out using the cluster random sampling technique. This research uses a quantitative approach with a data collection methods in the form of an optimism scale, self-esteem scale and positive religious coping scale. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis techniques with the help of SPSS from IBM version 25.00 for Windows. The results of multiple regression analysis show the coefficient value R=0.667 and p=0.000 (p<0.01). This means that there is a very significant relationship between self-esteem and positive religious coping and optimism in high school students. Self-esteem has a very significant positive relationship with optimism in high school students (rxy=0.653 and p=0.000 (p<0.01)) with an effective contribution of 38.592%. Positive religious coping has a very significant positive relationship with optimism in high school students (rxy=0.394 and p=0.000 (p<0.01)) with an effective contribution of 5.91%. Based on this research, it can be concluded that there is a very significant relationship between self- esteem and positive religious coping and optimism in high school students. Self-esteem and optimism in high school students have a very significant positive relationship and positive religious coping with optimism in high school students also has a very significant positive relationship.

Keywords : optimism, positive religious coping, self esteem

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