Strategi Tindakan Preventif Perilaku Kompulsif Gadget pada Komunitas Anak

Fatihaturrahmah Fatihaturrahmah, Indra Dwi Rizqianto, Hadi Suyono


The compulsive use of gadgets in the children's community in S Hamlet, Bantul, Yogyakarta has caused increasingly serious health problems, such as vision problems, damaged sleep patterns, and other negative psychological impacts. For this reason, this research aims to develop preventive action strategies to overcome compulsive gadget behavior in children, in order to prevent more severe health impacts in the future. This research uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach, studying the subjective experiences of three children and informants from their parents in the community. The research results show that effective interventions include educational programs for parents about the negative impacts of excessive use of gadgets, as well as managing their use, providing alternative interesting activities such as sports, arts and reading clubs, as well as assistance from schools, religious institutions and community organizations. Promotion of quality time with family without the distraction of gadgets is also important to strengthen family bonds and improve communication. This intervention can prevent gadget addiction and support the healthy psychological development of children's communities.


Child Psychology; Compulsive Gadget Behavior; Impact of Gadgets on Health.

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