Menjaga Ingatan Lansia: Studi Kasus Penurunan Fungsi Kognitif pada Lansia di Sompok Sriharjo Bantul untuk Pengembangan Rancangan Intervensi Berbasis Komunitas

Ismuji Wijayanti, Dini Hariyani sandi, Ari Pusparini, Nurul Haslinda, Hilda Syifa Rahma, Hadi Suyono


Problems faced by elderly may include cognitive decline. This problem can negatively impact on their psychological order. That reality became the purpose of this study which was to describe the decline of cognitive function and its preventive interventions. The current study was a qualitative method using a case study approach. Participants included 8 elderly individuals aged between 62-83 living in Sompok, Sriharjo, Bantul. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Data analysis employed content and thematic analysis. Results showed that there were indications of cognitive decline experienced by the participants. It constituted mild, moderate and severe declines such as dementia. The intervention strategies to prevent this decline was to implement evidence-based intervention. The implication of the study can be the foundation to implement intervention programs intended to prevent cognitive decline leading to improve well-being among elderly population. 


Keywords: cognitive function, intervention, psychological wellbeing, elderly.


Keywords: cognitive function, intervention, psychological wellbeing, elderly.

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