Peran Resiliensi Akademik Terhadap Stres Akademik Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir

Syafaatika Rohmah, Libbie Annatagia


Final year students will be faced with various assignments, reports and theses at the same time. Students who are unable to face these academic demands will feel depressed, causing academic stress. This research aims to determine the role of academic resilience on academic stress in final year students. The subjects who participated in this research were final year students who were working on their thesis, both male and female, with a total of 180 students. The research method used is a quantitative method. Data collection was carried out using the Student-Life Stress Inventory scale developed by Gadzella (1991) which has been adapted by the Indonesian version by Azzahra, (2017) to measure academic stress and the academic resilience scale developed by Cassidy, (2016) which has been adapted by Dewi Kumalasari et al. (2020). This research data was tested using a regression test. The research results show that academic resilience is negatively related and has an influence on academic stress in final year students of 8.82% with a significance value of p = 0.000 (p<0.05). This shows that high academic resilience determines low academic stress. Conversely, low academic resilience determines high academic stress. If academic resilience is high then academic stress tends to decrease. Likewise, if academic resilience is low, academic stress tends to increase.


Keywords: academic resilience, academic stress, final year students


academic resilience; academic stress; final year students

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