Pembentukan dan Pemberdayaan Konselor Sebaya sebagai Upaya Preventif untuk Menangani Permasalahan Psikologis Remaja

Qurota'aini Zahira, Rumiani Rumiani


Adjustment to psychological changes is one of the problems of adolescents which, if not addressed, can potentially lead to problems with juvenile delinquency and crime. The lack of knowledge about adolescent psychological changes, lack of social support and also the bad stigma of society at adolescence are factors that trigger the emergence of behavioral problems in adolescents. Adolescent problems are not only the responsibility of the family but also the responsibility of the school as a formal educational institution for adolescents. At the same time, schools need to make appropriate efforts to prevent more serious psychological changes, namely through the formation and empowerment of peer counselors as youth counseling students. This research method uses a model of provision and training through role play to form and empower peer counselors at Mts X. It is hoped that the formation and empowerment of peer counselors will become the best model for other schools with the same problems.


Adolescent, Peer Counselor, Psychological Problems

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