Psikoedukasi Kesehatan Jiwa Dengan Relaksasi Self-talk Pada Ibu-ibu di Desa Kretek Yogyakarta

Salim Andeslan, Rr. Indahria Sulityarini


Good mental health allows a person to recognize and use their potential and abilities well. Having good mental health, a person can enjoy life better, feel calmer and happier and is able to establish healthy relationships with other people. To prevent mental health disorders, early detection through psychoeducation is key. One of the first steps to maintaining mental health is relaxing self-talk. The aim of this research is to find out whether psychoeducation and relaxation self-talk can increase knowledge as well as be the first step to maintaining mental health. The subjects in this research were mothers in Kretek village, Yogyakarta, mothers were chosen because the population of mothers in the community is a large population sample and has the potential to carry out appropriate communication strategies to communicate with the entire community about mental disorders. This research method uses a quantitative experimental one group pretest and posttest design. The data analysis used is a paired sample t-test. The results of this study show that psychoeducation with relaxation self-talk, that there is a significant result of p=0.000 (<0.050), so it can be concluded that psychoeducation with relaxation self-talk has proven effective in increasing knowledge and can maintain mental health in disorders. psychology that mothers feel in living their daily lives.


Mental health, Psychoeducation, Relaxation Self-talk

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