Agent of change peduli kesehatan jiwa masyarakat Pakualaman Yogyakarta

Shinta Adella, Alfi Purnamasari


This research seeks to increase the knowledge of mental health cadres, care givers, and Pakualaman community by providing psycho-education and campaign about mental health, factors resulting to people with mental disorder (ODGJ), types of mental disorders, and their treatment. This qualitative research employed case study technique based on the activities conducted during the Psychological Professional Work Practice (PKPP). Research data were collected through psychological assessments including interviews, observations, SWOT analysis, and quantitatively with a pre-test using an open-ended question scale. The data analysis techniques were performed qualitatively based on the results of the process that had been carried out and quantitatively by conducting a post-test. The results revealed that there was an increase in knowledge about mental disorders, the causes of mental disorders, how to handle patients with mental disorders, the role of family and the environment towards ODGJ, as well as effective communication to ODGJ. Meanwhile, the quantitative results showed an increase in scores and levels of understanding experienced by mental health cadres and caregivers between before and after the mentoring process, with a value of z = -2.820 and a significance value of 0.005 (p<0.05). Based on these results, it can be concluded that providing psycho-education and mental health campaign could increase the understanding of mental health cadres, care givers, and community in Pakualaman region.


Agent of Change, Care Giver, Mental Health Cadre, Psycho-education.

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