Perbedaan Subjective Well-Being di Masa Pandemi Ditinjau pada Wilayah Tempat Tinggal Masyarakat Kabupaten Bangkalan

Fandi Rosi Sarwo Edi, Lailatul Muarofah Hanim


The purpose of this study was to find out the difference in subjective well-being in the pandemic period reviewed in the area where the people of Bangkalan Regency live. Research methods use a quantitative approach. The research location is in Bangkalan Regency which includes two sub-districts including, Bangkalan Subdistrict and Tanjung Bumi District. Total sampling of 200 people, with subject characteristics, namely; (1) KTP in accordance with the location of the research subdistrict, and (2) aged over 16 years. The collection of subjective well-being was conducted using the subjective well-being scale of Diener & Larsen (2008) with the highest coefficient values of 0.496 and the lowest of 0.250. Reliability test obtained a value of 0.814.  Based on the results of independent tests t-test samples obtained Sig values. (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05, then H0 was rejected and Ha accepted, thus it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between subjective well-being communities in Tanjung Bumi District and the community in Bangkalan Subdistrict.


Subjective well-being, Bangkalan Society, Pandemic

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