Peningkatan Self Esteem pada Narapidana Perempuan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

Edniz Putri Fredanni, Ika Herani



Pandemic Covid-19 makes society living with various change. Adaptations are needed to overcome changes cause of pandemic. All of society through this adaptation, one of them is convict in correction facility (Lembaga Pemasyarakatan/LAPAS). The difference condition inside correction facility which full of rules and limitations need more adaptation, so not cause physically and mentally pressure to the convict, especially woman convicts. Woman convicts feel double pressure cause of pandemic, because they are more vulnerable of problems. The problem start from fear, feelings of unworthy, then turn to inability to do daily activities. To solve this problem, psychoeducation is required to enhance self esteem and positive evaluation of woman convicts. Subjects of this psychoeducation are 5 woman convicts. Pre test and post test are given to the subject to measure effect of this program. Woman convicts who own positive evaluation to her self will able to do their daily activities nicely even there are various changes post pandemic Covid-19.


Woman convict; self esteem; post pandemic

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