Resiliensi Narapidana Perempuan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

Diajeng Nisa Anjani, Lusy Asa Akhrani, Ayu Sriwidyarini



Changes due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus are not felt only by the general public, but also by female inmates in correctional institutions. Life during the pandemic and post-pandemic may be hard to go through for human beings, especially inmates that are isolated from the social community. Even though Covid-19 has become a part of human life, it still has a significant impact on human life. Individual responses when going through difficult times can influence how they react to and also affect emotional and psychological conditions. Even inmates that are secluded from society have to learn how to be able to face the post-pandemic situation when returning to the community, after receiving treatment, coaching, and mentoring from the Correctional Institution. To be able to deal with difficult situations, individuals need resilience. Resilience is the ability to face and overcome problems or obstacles that occur in life so that they can adapt. Inmates with high resilience are considered to have a more positive mindset and tend to have plans after leaving prison so that they can become better individuals. The researchers conduct an initial assessment of female inmates through a pre-test and then develop psychoeducational results through a post-test. The result of psychoeducational about resilience that researchers gave to inmates is that there is a sign of increasing understanding of resilience and expected to help when inmates return to society and can face post-pandemic life.
Keywords: Female Inmates, Resilience, Post-Covid-19


Female Inmates, Resilience, Post-Covid-19

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