Effectivitas Cognitive Behavior Therapy untuk Menurunkan Kecemasan Mahasiswa terhadap Dosen

Norma Lia, Herdina Indrijati


The case study describes a short-term cognitive behavior therapy in dentistry co-assistance student (female, 24 years) who experienced symptoms of anxiety to her lecturer which resulted in the delay of the task consultation for a year, so that it approached to the deadline of co-assistance period (±3 months). Short-term CBT was given for 2 months consisting of 3 observation and initial assessment sessions; 5 CBT sessions of 90 minutes per session. The client came with the complaints of constant anxiety symptoms. CBT will reduce psychological symptoms of anxiety consisting of cognitive symptoms (feeling unable to solve problems, fear that something bad will happen, mixed thoughts or confusion); emotional symptoms (irritability, restlessness); behavioral symptoms (avoiding consulting assignments for a year and dependence) and physical symptoms of anxiety (nausea, vomiting, shaking, fever, difficulty sleeping the day before the consultation which symptoms disappeared when it was cancelled; the symptoms also appeared when client met the x lecturer directly). It was single case design with ABA design. The level of anxiety was measured by The Tailor Manifest Anxiety Scale (TMAS). Comparison of pre and post treatment showed marked decrease from the TMAS pre-test score of 23 (anxious) to 19 (non-anxious). The results reflect that CBT are an effective mode of treatment for the symptoms of anxiety.

Keywords : Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Anxiety, Student

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