Menelisik “Garansi Kecewa” : Studi Kasus Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) Berbasis Nilai Islami Pada Karyawan Warung XX

Dian Fithriwati Darusmin, Siti Mulyani



Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), is the individual choice and initiative, not related to the organization's formal reward system but specifically aims to increase organizational effectiveness and religious nuance. Studies between OCB and organizations with religious nuances have been carried out by many previous researchers, but have not referred to the context of the Covid 19 pandemic situation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide an overview of OCB employees from organizations that have religious nuances in the specific context of the Covid pandemic. 19. Organizations are required to adaptations and changes to run organizations and business with minimum impact. This research was conducted with a qualitative method, namely a case study at Warung XX Yogyakarta. The study involved four respondents, two in staff positions and two in supervisory positions. The thematic analysis conducted found two interesting themes related to the emergence of OCB, namely, (1) individual themes including the meaning of work, personal initiative, special behavior and self development. (2) organizational themes include positive perceptions of the organization, perceptions of religious nuances and perceptions of the organization's attitude towards the pandemic. OCB behavior arise due to positive perceptions from employees to the organization, both in normal situations, and during a pandemic.


organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), religious organization, meaning of work

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