Drian Aulia Arif Wicaksono, Any Guntarti, Mustofa Ahda


Papaya is a tropical plant widely used in Indonesian region. It is also commonly used as a traditional medicine. Papaya leaves is known to have high antioxidant activity. Papaya leaves is reportedly containing flavonoid and phenol compounds which is responsible for its antioxidant activity. The objective of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity in Carica Papaya leaves using DPPH method. This study also compares the antioxidant activity from different solvent used to extract Carica papaya leaves.

Dried Papaya leaves powder were extracted with maceration method using ethanol 96% solution. The extracts were filtered, collected in porcelain cup and then evaporated using water bath. Crude extract from water bath were partitioned with ethyl acetate and water solution to obtain ethyl acetate fraction. Ethyl acetate fraction were also evaporated through water bath to obtain crude extract. Yield from ethanol 96% solution and ethyl acetate fraction were counted. The yield was found to be 14.889% and 21.1197% respectively. The crude extract was screened for their flavonoid, polyphenol content and further assessed for their antioxidant activity using various qualitative and quantitative analysis.  Antioxidant activity and their potential for scavenging free radical was measured with DPPH method and their potential was expressed with ES50 .

ES50 results of Quercetin, ethanol extract and ethyl acetate fraction were 6.133 µg/ml, 54.137 µg/ml and 62.76 µg/ml respectively. Results were then analyzed with SPSS statistic software using ANOVA test and then followed with post-hoc Tukey test. There is significance difference from Quercetin positive control group compared with both extract sample. Both sample were also analyzed with statistic test to find if there are significant difference between both sample. Post-hoc Tukey test showed that there are significant difference between both ethanol 96% group and ethyl acetate fraction group.

In conclusion, all of the sample showed positive flavonoid and phenolic content. Both extract solution also showed strong antioxidant activity measured with DPPH method.

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Farmasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
e-ISSN 2986-8858
Published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta Indonesia