Hamnah Al Atsariyah Al Atsariyah, Dwi Utami, Andika Andika


Xiamycin is a pentacyclic indolosesquiterpenoid derived from mangrove endophytes was studied in vitro to inhibit the replication of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and human immunodeficiency virus. This study aimed to examine the potential pharmacological activity of xiamycin derivatives as an inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 virus replication through molecular docking and analyze their pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiles.

The selection of comparison pharmaceutical agents used ChemDes. Xiamycin derivatives as test compounds and molnupiravir as inhibitors were screened for Lipinski's Rule of Five. The identification of RdRp as a molecular target was confirmed through the PASSonline program. The RdRp receptor was selected based on an assessment of receptor quality via the RCSB PDB and PDBsum. Minimization energy used Avogadro and Swiss PDB programs. Receptor and ligand were docked by Autodock. Visualization of molecular docking results with Biovia and Pymol. ADMET profile assessment using the ADMETlab 2.0 program.

This study shows that xiamycin E had the highest pharmacological potential compared to other xiamycin derivatives and molnupiravir with an energy affinity of -6.92 kcal/mol, an inhibitory constant of 8.41 M, and knows three key amino acid residues in the NiRAN domain, namely amino acid ASN 209, LYS 50, and ASP 218. ADMET prediction shows that xiamycin E is ideal for certain parameters and not ideal for certain parameters.

The xiamycin derivatives have the potential to be developed as an antiviral. Optimization of xiamycin E as a candidate for the RdRp inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 requires further studies related to the structure tissue exposure/selectivity activity relationship.

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Farmasi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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Published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta Indonesia