EFL Students’ perspective toward video log (v-log) as a teaching model in millennial 4.0 era

hadijah Hadijah, Rondiyah Rondiyah, Didik Murwantono


The study was conducted to describe the student’s perspective toward video log teaching model in millennial 4.0 era in Ahmad Dahlan University by EFL students who have learning experience by using V-log in one semester of pre-advance speaking course.This design of this study is descriptive quantitative research. The sample of study were 32 students of pre-Advance speaking subject, it was used total sampling technique. The data collections were used close-ended and open ended questionnaire and un-depth interviewed by lecturer.  The results revealed the high percentage in 37,51% on V-log improve students’ motivation and self-confidence to practice English. It is also support by open-ended questionnaire V-log as an innovative assignment to increase student’s motivation and confidence to speak English English. Then, V-log as a source of learning media in the classroom by the percentage 35,56%. Moreover, V-log increase class participation and pronunciation skill is 28,56%. It is support by open-ended questionnaire V-log as a teaching model effective to enhance speaking and pronunciation ability. Based on un-depth interview, V-log helps increase students' motivation and self-confidence this teaching model is to control students using English because it forces them to practice speaking English outside the classroom.


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