Sexual Education on Instagram, How is The Reception of Young People?

Fani Zafira Suryani, Fajar Junaedi


Sexual education is a sensitive issue in Indonesia. Conservative groups claim that sex education is taboo. On the other hand, the high rates of prenuptial pregnancies shows a lack of sexual education. Reproductive health education is often considered inadequate as consideration of decision-making in sexual activities. Account @sisilsm2.0 as an alternative media information about reproductive health through Instagram media. @sisilsm2.0 aim to prevent an unplanned increase in pregnancies, abortions and the transmission of sexual diseases because sex education is now considered taboo. This study aims to know the audience's reception content of the sex education by @sisilism2.0 account. This study uses a descriptive qualitative type of research method with reception analysis. There are six informers in this research including men and women who follow @sisilsm2.0 Instagram account and has a background and that has never been dating and has been dating. Four informers are in negotiating positions by stating the importance of sex education was delivered at school at an early age but cannot lower rates of abortion and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. The other two informants are in dominant position by stating that sex education is a must that can lower abortion rates and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. The background of the informants and their interaction with media, especially digital media, became the deciding factors in their encoding-decoding position. Young people who active and interact with social media get more sex education information and become a reference in looking at sex education. 

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