Political Marketing Strategy Of Hj. Baiq Isvie Rupaeda, Sh., Mh In Facing West Nusa Tenggara Legislative Election 2019
The representation of women in Parliament has always been an exciting study from time to time. As a country with a democratic ideology, Indonesia provides a massive opportunity for women to enter Parliament as mandated by the constitution, which states that women's representation in Parliament is at least 30% of the total number of members of Parliament. This constitutional mandate in the Indonesian landscape is still experiencing challenges and obstacles. Women in their journey still experience much social discrimination, which causes a low level of women's participation in Parliament. One indication is that in one province in Indonesia, namely NTB, the representation of women is only 1.59%. This is considered very low and does not meet the quota of women in Parliament at the provincial level. An anomaly occurred in the representation of women considered a minority put, one of the NTB women winning two legislative elections for the West Nusa Tenggara Province. Hj. Baiq Isvie Rupaeda, SH., MH, is the only woman who can occupy the Chair of the Regional People's Representative Council of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The MD3 Law states that most votes determine the board's chairman. This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative case study approach. The purpose of this research is to explore the political marketing of Hj. Baiq Isvie Rupaeda, SH., MH, in the election of the NTB Provincial DPRD in the 2019 Legislative election. The findings of this study use a push marketing approach by prioritizing door-to-door visits considering the characteristics of voters who are dominated by the elderly by consolidating them in each village area by offering an expected work program. The push approach dominates the political marketing process by looking at the demographic and geographic approach. With the term opens the door to door, this is HJ. Baiq Isvie Rupaeda won the 2019 legislative election for the third electoral district of West Nusa Tenggara Province.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v1i1.11351
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