Sexual Violence in Online Media Framing, How Detik and Tribunnews Make Their Different Perspective

Muhammad Masyaril Haroom


The media plays an essential role in shaping public opinion. What the media shows automatically constructs people's mindsets. Different ideologies result in each the media views events from another point of view. Sexual assault cases on students conducted by Herry Wirawan in Bandung became the attention of various media online in Indonesia, especially Detik and Tribunnews. The purpose of this research is to find out the analysis of framing in the media of Detik and Tribunnews regarding cases of news about student rape. This study uses qualitative research methods with a framing analysis method and constructivism paradigm. Collection technique data is carried out by collecting documents regarding cases rape of students in Bandung. The data analysis technique used is the framing analysis model by Robert N. Entman. The research shows that Detik and Tribunnews frame the news from different perspectives. the news published by Detik emphasises the facts of the trial and legal questions that will trap the perpetrators accordingly to applicable law. Meanwhile, Tribunnews framed this case as related to Apart from that, Herry Wirawan's personal life has tarnished the teacher's image in the Eyes community. Tribunnews also framed the news that the victim needed to get protection. On the other hand, Detik News puts forward the frame that the perpetrator should receive castration or life imprisonment.

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