The Effect of the Intensity of Accessing Instagram @humas_indonesia on the Fulfillment of Public Relations Information Needs

Alditta Khoirun Nisa, Sovia Sitta Sari


The prospect of a public relations (PR) career is now starting to be recognized along with the development of the digital era. To keep pace with the existence of advanced technology, both PR candidates and PR beginners need to update their knowledge, skills, and experience by accessing various media as sources of information and education. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure how much influence the intensity of accessing Instagram @humas_indonesia on the fulfillment of public relations information needs. The researcher uses a quantitative descriptive approach by distributing questionnaires to respondents who follow the @humas_indonesia account. The results of this study based on the t-hypothesis test, coefficient of determination, and simple linear regression analysis showed that the access intensity variable (X) had a significant positive effect on the information needs variable (Y). This research is expected to be a reference for Instagram users in comparing an account with Instagram accounts belonging to other public relations media.

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