Content Analysis and Social Issues in Jakarta VS Everybody Film

Gusti Ardia Pramesti


Film also has its own artistic value, because film is created as a work of creative personnel who are professionals in their fields. Film as an art object should be judged artistically rather than rationally. The study of cinema can be said to be a relatively new field of study and is not comparable to the process of technological evolution. Film is often used as a socialization tool or as a medium to construct certain discourses for public consciousness. The development of the film itself is also inseparable from the cultural development of the people behind it. The communication created through the medium of film also only goes one way to the communicant, namely the audience. To convey the mandate of the film, media is needed. Therefore, in the language of the film, there are 3 main underlying factors, namely: Image / Visual, Sound / Audio, Time constraints. Just like in the movie Jakarta vs Everybody finally found his home in Bioskop Online. The poster has indeed been plastered in theaters, but the film, which has been filmed since 2019, has not found an exact release date, so OTT is their last way to show Jefri Nichol's journey as a drug courier. The wait was quite worth it. As Dom, Jefri Nichol shows one's seriousness and persistence to achieve the dream he wants. On that journey, Dom gains many valuable lessons for himself, including through his decision to plunge into the dark world.



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