Cultural Diplomacy Strategy through Wayang Kulit Performances as a National Brand in Indonesia (Case Study of Dhalang Putri in Jogja)

Lukman Hakim, Eka Anisa Sari, Iman Sumarlan


Indonesia's cultural diversity through wayang kulit performances must be maintained by preserving and protecting against other countries' claims. This paper aims to explain how regional culture became important for Indonesia. Culture as a national identity contributes greatly to the formation of national identity, especially in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to find out the strategy carried out by the female mastermind of Jogja, the research method in this study uses descriptive qualitative.  The author uses the concept of national identity as a national brand to analyze this phenomenon. Indonesia conducted cultural diplomacy The new Award Charter was handed over on April 21, 2005. The purpose of this study is to find out the strategy carried out by the female mastermind of Jogja, the research method in this study uses descriptive qualitative.  The author uses the concept of national identity as a national brand to analyze this phenomenon. Indonesia conducted cultural diplomacy The new Award Charter was handed over on April 21, 2005. With the designation of Wayang Kulit by UNESCO as Indonesia's cultural heritage, it is Indonesia's responsibility to introduce it. The results of this study include publication strategies: 1) using Instagram, through both print and TV media, education to children, and through short films through the theater community 2) Implementing synergy with the government and related partners or communities. This is done to keep Wayang Kulit from becoming extinct as well as a process of confirming the national identity of the Indonesian nation.

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