Digital crowdfunding activism management via Instagram social media by the @btsarmy.project lombok account in raising funds for victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy

Nadia Putri Aulia, Fajar Junaedi


Crowdfunding is open fundraising via the Internet to generate financial resources in the form of donations without any compensation. This research is motivated by society's negative stigma towards K-pop fans in Indonesia. ARMY, as fans of the boy band from South Korea, namely Bangtan Boys (BTS), has revealed the positive side of K-pop fans. The fundraising initiated by @btsarmy.project_lombok reached IDR 447 million in less than 30 hours, and the crowd that took part did not only come from ARMY. It became a trending topic in Indonesia and received attention from several public figures, artists and influencers. This research aims to determine how digital crowdfunding activism is managed via Instagram social media by the account @btsarmy.project_lombok in raising funds for the victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. The data sources in this research come from interviews, observations and documentation. Testing the validity of the data in this study used source triangulation. This research shows that the management of digital crowdfunding activism by the Instagram account @btsarmy.project_lombok is quite adequate, where trust is built gradually with several previous humanitarian projects. The management also collaborates with the ARMY community throughout Indonesia to spread information. Furthermore, establishing good relationships with football supporters is a factor that strengthens the success of this fundraising. Apart from that, the management also took advantage of the attention of artists and public figures in Indonesia by asking for help to spread this information.

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