Analysis of communication strategies used for lengkuas island tourism promotion by the tourism and culture office of Belitung

Lutfi Pambudi Pambudi, Nunik Hariayanti


This research aims to determine the communication strategy implemented by the Belitung Regency Tourism and Culture Office in promoting Lengkuas Island to increase interest in visiting. This type of research is qualitative research using in-depth interview methods and content analysis of promotional materials. Data collection techniques in this research use library studies and field studies. Testing the validity of the data used is member checking and discussion with colleagues. This research sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique and there were five informants, namely, two key informants and three supporting informants. The results of the research show that there are four promotions carried out by the Belitung Regency Culture and Tourism Office on Lengkuas Island, namely promotions through advertising, personal selling, sales promotions and public relations. Advertising is carried out using print media and online media, for print media it is carried out by disseminating information. about Lengkuas Island through magazines, which consist of Visit Belitung magazine, which is a magazine produced by the Culture and Tourism Office of Belitung Regency and carried out promotions with Nusae magazine, a national magazine from Bandung. Apart from that, advertising on the Lengkuas Island tourist attraction is also carried out through online media such as Instagram., Facebook, YouTube and website, Personal Selling is carried out through WhatsApp Broadcasting, participating in exhibitions and holding Table Top Events, Sales Promotion is carried out through the Launching of Lengkuas Island Tour Packages, Public Relations is carried out by inviting cooperation from various agencies and involving local media to national media. held to promote Lengkuas Island. Recommendations were expressed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Lengkuas Island tourism promotion.

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