Social revolution: The impact of social media in our lives

Rynny Damayantie Setyaningsih, Fitrinanda An Nur


Social media has changed our social landscape dramatically in the last few decades. This article discusses the impact of the social revolution caused by social media in our lives. His background includes the rapid development of information and communications technology and the spread of the internet throughout the world. We will also explore its impact on behavior, culture, and social interactions. The literature study method was used to investigate various studies that had been previously conducted on this topic. We analyze data and findings from related research to understand the changes that have occurred in our daily lives due to the use of social media. Research results show that social media has changed the way we communicate, interact and process information. This affects interpersonal relationships, both positively and negatively. Social media also plays an important role in disseminating information and mobilizing society on social and political issues. The conclusion of this research is that social media has become a major force in shaping our social dynamics. They have changed the way we communicate, learn, share information, and participate in social and political life. While there are many benefits to be gained from using social media, such as global connectivity and access to information, we must also be wary of its negative impacts, such as the spread of fake news, political polarization, and disruption in personal lives. Therefore, it is important for us to develop strong social media literacy and use these platforms wisely. By understanding the positive and negative potential of social media, we can maximize its benefits while reducing its risks, so that this ongoing social revolution can have a more positive impact on our lives.

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