Content analysis of corrupt behavior in anti corruption Film Festival (ACFFest) Films

Kevin Maheswara, Wulan Widyasari


Corrupt behavior is a deviation in life; therefore, the need for mass media assistance that has a role in preventing and eradicating corruption in Indonesia is a medium that conveys knowledge to the public regarding bribery. Anti Corruption Film Festival(ACFFest) films were chosen as the object of research because of the film's themed stories about corruption. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method with Holsti model content analysis. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling (census), where all members of the population are used as samples. The results of this study found a tendency of corrupt behavior in 39 scenes out of 163 scenes. There is an perbuatan curang  form of 59% or 23 scenes of the total scenes observed. For the frequency of scene pemerasan, seven scenes or 18%. Form penggelapan dalam jabatan is 15% or six scenes, and also three scenes or 8% in form suap menyuap. In ACFFest films, there are films that contain petty corruption, active and passive corruption, theft, embezzlement, and conduct creating or exploiting conflicting interests.

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