Digital activism for sustainable tourism: Management of social media Instagram @travelxism through voluntrip activities

Firna Zahwa Firdausi, Zein Mufarrih Muktaf


The advancement of information technology is rapidly transforming corporate communication activities. Social media platforms like Instagram have become a practical alternative for companies to promote a social movement, as demonstrated by the Instagram account @travelxism. This research aims to understand how digital activism efforts for sustainable tourism are carried out by the Instagram account @travelxism through Voluntrip activity content. The research method employed is qualitative with a case study approach. The research findings indicate that the practice of digital activism in fostering sustainable tourism through Voluntrip activities includes the following: 1) Build a social media account that focuses on environmentally friendly travel by utilizing the feeds, stories, highlights, reels, and mentions features; 2) Implementing the concept of sustainability, which includes volunteerism, charity, news, and visual action; 3) Optimizing visual actions that contain sustainable management, social-economy, culture, and environmental content; 4) Voluntrip content is uploaded regularly 3-4 times a week during prime time.

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