Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival (JAFF) online promotion strategy via Instagram to maintain brand image in 2022

Arsyadi Rinuaji Fadilah


With the existence of social media, patterns of communication in society have indirectly changed. Social media is considered to have an essential role for a company or brand to market its products. This research aims to describe the online promotion strategy carried out by the organizers of the 2022 JAFF event to maintain brand image through Instagram social media. Also, to find out to what extent JAFF event organizers understand and realize the importance of online promotional strategies to sustain the brand image of JAAF activities both currently running and those that will be running. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. In using Instagram as an online promotional medium to maintain its brand image, JAFF has used several stages such as supporting its brand image through visuals, such as packaging upload displays attractively and using the features provided by Instagram such as Insta stories, feeds, captions and comments.

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