The content analyst of humor on NET TV and TVRI Television Stations

Muhammad Zundullah Islanmmudin, Eka Anisa Sari


The discourse of humor in interpersonal interactions involves a complex mechanism. The creation of utterances containing humor in communication is not a simple phenomenon; it encompasses intricate mechanisms occurring between the speaker and the interlocutor. In addition to emerging in social interactions, humor can also be encountered in both print and electronic media. Among the electronic media, television is the most widely accessed by the public.

Currently, television offers internet television services, or online television, allowing its programs to be enjoyed by internet users. This research delves into the forms, techniques, and themes of humor content in variety show programs broadcasted by NET TV and TVRI. The aim of this research is to describe patterns and purposes for delivering humor on both television stations. The method employed in this study is qualitative-descriptive, and data collection utilizes the Krippendorff technique.

The findings of this research indicate distinctions between government-owned and privately-owned television stations, particularly in program packaging. Government-owned television stations package their programs with the cultural backdrop of a specific ethnic group in Indonesia and highlight stories from that group. Examples include programs like "Gangsa Ngetrend" and "Ludruk Kirun CS," which showcase Javanese culture, and the program "Ga'de Ga'de," which features stories from South Sulawesi culture. Government-owned television stations also address education by packaging it in the format of stand-up comedy and humor. Conversely, private-owned television stations package their programs primarily for entertainment purposes.

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