Marketing communication strategy at Obelix Hills tourist attraction in increasing tourist visits

Vella Arna Septiana, Nunik Hariyanti


Tourism is a sector that has taken on an important role in development. The tourism sector can open up or add space and jobs to the surrounding community, as well as attract tourists from both the country and abroad. The field of tourism requires a role of communication to connect the various components of the tourism, such as communicating tourism marketing, accessibility, destinations, resources and tourism institutions. As for the purpose of this research is to find out the marketing communication strategy of Obelix Hills Tourist Objects. Obelix Hills is a tourist attraction located in Klumprit. Exactly in Wukirharjo Village, Prambanan Prefecture, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Special District Province. Visitors to the Obelix Hills tour are mostly wildlife tourists. Based on data from tourist manager Obelix Hills, tourist visits to Obelix Hill from 2022 to 2023. This research uses the 7P marketing communication tool: (Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Process, dan Physical Evidence). A communication message can be said to be a time-consuming strategy as well as a good strategy for the communication being conducted to be effective, because a good communication strategy can avoid the losses caused by ineffective promotional activities.  The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method, where researchers take Obelix Hills Tourist Object as the object of research. In this study, data collection is done with observation techniques, documentation, and interviews. The results of this study show that Obelix Hills Tourist Objects has taken steps in line with the marketing communication strategy. By implementing a marketing bulletin and containing a promotional bulletin. It is a strategy to increase the tourist attractiveness of Obelix Hills.

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