Communication strategy of the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Bali in maintaining religious harmony in the Bali Province Region in 2022

Dwi Prasetyo, Nur Sofyan


Bali Province is a reflection of socio-cultural diversity, including in terms of religious diversity. Seen from the presentation of religious harmony, the social interaction between Hindus and Muslims in Bali is dynamic. Bali Province represents Indonesia, so the MUI Bali region also has a similar role and influence on the world view of religious harmony in Bali. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The result is, MUI Bali's communication strategy is based on communication planning that adapts to the local culture. This helps ensure that communication makes it easier for MUI Bali to integrate with the local community and maintain religious harmony. Communication strategy used to handle religious issues is consolidating the FKUB and directly referring to related parties to produce decisions that all parties can accept.  Aside from FKUB, the term Nyama Braya is also promoted by MUI Bali to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among the people of Bali Province. The MUI of Bali Province has also established a cross-religious women's community and a cross-religious youth community with the aim of preserving the continuity of religious harmony for future generations. This effort is made to ensure that not only religious leaders but also the people of Bali Province uphold the principles of harmony. Two-way approach and community participation are integral parts of this communication strategy. This helps ensure that the communication established facilitates the integration of the MUI of Bali Province with the local community and together they uphold religious diversity

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