Media management in the use of social media for the official account of “Buku Untuk Papua”

Yoga Rachmat Febrianto, Filosa Gita Sukmono


Many people currently consider the establishment and growth of the internet, which frequently goes unrecognized, to be a crucial requirement. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Papua are using it to enhance education, notably in the area of literacy, because of how easily it makes information delivery and community involvement possible. The "Buku Untuk Papua" (Books for Papua) community is one such group that is utilizing the advancement of the internet. Understanding how Buku Untuk Papua media management manages social media in Papua is the goal of this study. It is clear from the research and analysis that the Buku Untuk Papua group administers their Instagram social media account well. Management theory is used by the team behind Buku Untuk Papua's official Instagram account, taking into consideration phases including planning, organizing, acting, controlling, and assessing. This descriptive qualitative investigation concludes that everything posted on the official Buku Untuk Papua Instagram account was carefully thought out. In order to maintain consistency in content development and grow their fan base, they have devised tactics and principles. They have a well-organized structure. Additionally, they practice tight control and communicate frequently with their followers via Instagram direct messages, comments on posts, and Instagram Stories. To increase the audience for their material, they consistently undertake in-depth reviews as part of account management. They can evaluate the success of their plans and tactics in a thorough manner due to this constant evaluation.

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