The role of art director in film artistic style before, now & then (Nana) fourcolors film production

Tegar Jihad Ramadlan, Muhammad Muttaqien


"Before, Now & Then (Nana)" is the first Sundanese language movie in Indonesia. The film won the best artistic director award at the Indonesian Film Festival (FFI). The movie has a setting in West Java around the 1960s which is adapted from the Autobiographical novel Jais Darga Namauku by Ahda Imran. This research aims to identify the role of art director in the artistic layout of the film "Before, Now & Then (Nana)". The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques include interviews and documentation. This research uses three stages in analyzing data, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. In testing the validity of the data, researchers used source triangulation which means comparing rechecking data from more than one source to ensure whether the data is correct or not. The results of this study indicate that in creating a setting (setting, costumes, makeup and lighting) of course there are things that are done by artistic stylists in the pre-production to post production stages. In the pre-production stage, the art director is responsible for the creative design aspect, designing the overall artistic concept of the movie. At the production stage the art director is responsible for all the sets or properties used. In the post-production stage, the art director evaluates all divisions within the artistic department. It can be concluded that the role of the artistic stylist or art director in this film plays an important role in building the 60s era in the film so that it can influence the truth or belief in the eyes of the audience through the artistic layout created.

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