Policy the mark XBT FM Radio as an education medium among students in the city center

Adhi Satria Ujanggara Ujanggara, Fitrinanda An Nur


Radio is a form of mass communication, which to this day still has appeal and is sought after by some people as a tool for obtaining information and entertainment. Before television was famous, around the 80s, radio was a media that was very trendy at that time, exactly the same as the internet trend today, especially in remote villages in remote villages, even in the corners of cities. , radio was not only popular among older people, even among young people, at that time radio was one of the best alternative media for entertainment, listening to comedy, music, religious lectures, serial dramas and even getting the latest information through news broadcasts.

Because the public's demand for radio broadcasts is so great, radio has become a very effective medium for providing information and education to the public, even today, amidst the rapid development of information technology, amidst the proliferation of online media, radio is still an effective choice. to serve as an educational resource to share information with the public.

XBT FM Radio is a radio managed by the foundation, not only providing information and entertainment but also providing educational value in every aspect of the programs and content presented. This radio, which uses line streaming as its broadcast medium, is trying to survive behind the growth of technology and other computer radio. Radio, which aims to educate future generations, by becoming an educational medium, especially for elementary to middle school children, has a branding strategy to maintain its existence.

The aim of this research is to describe the branding process carried out by XBT FM Radio which includes all promotional efforts carried out by the management as well as feedback from audience segmentation. This research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. Based on the concluded research results. The promotional efforts carried out are considered not optimal, XBT FM Radio has not been able to become an educational medium among students in Central Lombok.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.12928/sylection.v3i1.13973


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