Qualitative content analysis of Stunting Prevention on the Instagram account @cegahstunting

Hylda Nabella Savira


The Instagram account @cegahstunting serves as an educational platform addressing the pressing issue of stunting in Indonesia, where the stunting rate currently stands at 21.6%, falling short of the government's 14% target. This research employs qualitative analysis to investigate how @cegahstunting enhances public understanding of stunting and its prevention through its content.
The methodology involves collecting and analyzing the content on the Instagram account, considering content types, communication strategies, and educational messages used to combat stunting. The study reveals that @cegahstunting application of the campaign message concept. It achieves this through well-crafted content, structured organization, clear message framing, and elicits positive responses from the audience. @cegahstunting is an essential tool in raising awareness and understanding about stunting prevention in Indonesia, contributing to the national goal of reducing stunting rates and improving public health.


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