After-school program promotion activities in increasing community attractiveness at Kasih School, Karangrejo, Borobudur 2023

Lahna Ash Shidiqie, Aswad Ishak


This research is based on the concern of parents who don't have time to educate their children who have free time after school. Although there's alternative education, like after-school programs, some parents still don't care about after-school program activities. The research aims to find promotional activities to increase the attractiveness of after-school programs at Kasih School, Karangrejo, Borobudur. Using descriptive qualitative research methods, the author collected the data through interviews with the chief educator, parents of students, and students of Kasih School. Also, this research collected the data by documentation of promotional activities that have been done before. The results show that the promotion activities carried out by the Kasih School are in the form of holding events. Kasih School is more focused on carrying out events as their promotions because Kasih School still lacks the human resources to carry out broader promotions. The event posters were distributed through the chief educator Instagram's. In addition, some of the community and the students who have attended Kasih School share the event information to their friends. After carrying out 3 events, the number of Kasih School students began to increase little by little. The chief educator said the total number of students increased from 30 to 50 students. Based on the results, the authors concluded that the promotional activities carried out by Kasih School succeeded in increasing the community's attractiveness to after-school programs, although little by little.

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