Spiritual communication patterns in the practice the Hardo Pusoro flow of beliefs (Qualitative phenomenological approach)

Naufal Yuqa, Fajar Dwi Putra


Spiritual practice is a path taken by followers of religions and beliefs to show a form of religious expression. Followers of the Hardo Pusoro belief emerged in 1832 thanks to the services of Ki Koesoemo Witjitro. Hardo Pusoro has an unusual spiritual practice, namely water meditation called kungkum. This research uses a phenomenological approach with qualitative methods. A phenomenological approach was used to produce descriptive data in the form of words from the subjects interviewed. The research subjects were adherents of the Hardo Pusoro mysticism in the Purworejo area. The aim of this research is to explain the function and meaning of the practice of water meditation, and also to find out the inner experiences of believers in the sect. The basis of what the author does is to reveal the experiences of believers and deepen them. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation and document review. Data analysis is carried out by selecting relevant data, marketing it and drawing conclusions. The conclusions of this research are first, the practice of soaking in a river with flowing water can increase psychological effects. And as a form of spiritual communication which aims to bring ponco driyo to pure consciousness. Second, the practice of spiritual communication of kungkum in adherents of this belief system is meditation which is interpreted philosophically.

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