Marketing communication strategy of Lesung Kresek Restaurant in increasing sales in Madiun

Gofasa Mahendra Ekapaksi, Muhammad Thoyib Amali


Madiun is one of the regencies in East Java province. Known as the city of Pecel it has excellent potential in the culinary field. The culinary industry is one of the economic activities for the people of Madiun. Marketing mix is an essential tool for companies to achieve the right goals. This is important to do to encourage the success of marketing activities. One of them is implementing marketing communications for Lesung Kresek restaurant. This application is to find out the increase in sales in Madiun City. This study aims to determine the marketing communication strategy of Lesung Kresek restaurant to increase sales. This research method uses a qualitative approach using observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation to obtain valid data. To test the validity of the data, this study was conducted by comparing and combining the data that had been received. The results of this study show that the marketing communication strategy applied by Lesung Kresek restaurant uses the 7P marketing mix concept, including product, price, place, promotion, people, and physical evidence. Based on the marketing mix, five marketing strategies are going well. While the two marketing mixes, such as places and processes, do not run optimally in running them. But in terms of location, it is very supportive in restaurant marketing.

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