Media management in the use of social media accounts for young politicians in West Java

Azhar Maulana Akbar, Filosa Gita Sukmono


The integration of internet-based communication technology in all aspects of human life, including politics, has recently become a major concern. The role of social media in political communication has become an interesting topic, especially with the shift from conventional media to digital platforms. This shift highlights differences in the way political communications are delivered. This is also in line with increasing digitalization, especially in access to increasingly diverse information. The aim of this research is to find out how a young politician from West Java handles social media.  This research uses a case study methodology to comprehensively understand an aspect being studied. The researchers relied on direct interviews with Hilal Hilmawan as their main source of data and utilized secondary data sources from documentation research conducted by other researchers.. Based on the research and analysis carried out, it was found that the Hilal Hilmawan team manages its social media accounts effectively. The official Hilal Hilmawan social media account team follows management theory which involves several management stages, such as planning, organizing, implementing, controlling and evaluating. One strategy he uses is to create regular and up-to-date content that is not always centered on politics. Even though there were weaknesses in budget allocation, the organizing process ran smoothly. The production and publication process also went well. They exercise control by closely monitoring strategy implementation, tracking follower growth, and monitoring audience engagement. Evaluation and improvement are also carried out effectively in accordance with initial planning and strategies.

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