IMOKEY's integrated marketing communication strategy in increasing product Sales in 2022

Agsallita Oktiwulan Putri, Frizki Yulianti Nurnisya


Fashion trends is currently in great demand by the public, especially young people in 2022. This makes local brands in Indonesia try to fulfill the wishes of the community by becoming a local brand that is able to win the competition between local brands in Indonesia. One of the local brands that must face competition is IMOKEY, a local fashion brand in Yogyakarta which was founded in 2016, IMOKEY uses an Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy to face competition and increase sales in 2022.  The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of IMOKEY's integrated marketing communication strategy in increasing product sales in 2022. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques with interviews and documentation. This study found that IMOKEY uses marketing communication to increase brand awareness and maximize marketing communication by implementing 6 tools from 8 tools of integrated marketing communication strategy. Of the many tools used, IMOKEY excels in utilizing Online & Social Media Marketing strategy tools by utilizing Instagram and TikTok social media, but in its implementation IMOKEY is still not optimal because it does not have an assessment sheet to measure the success of the strategy. Researchers suggest to IMOKEY to be maximized in implementing IMC strategies, one of which is by providing a measuring tool for the success of the tools used

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