The management of Instagram of Yogyakarta Special Region Province as a Medium to communicate public policy on Instagram social media @Humasjogja in 2022

Arshena Vikhi Rahmadiva, Nur Sofyan


Good media management has a positive impact on the process of delivering public policy. This research analyses the management of the Instagram account @humasjogja by the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Jogjakarta in 2022 as a media to communicate public policy through social media. The purpose of the research is to understand how the province's Instagram account is used as a means of publication, information, and public services. Social media Instagram Public Relations of the DIY Regional Government also managed to get 4 awards from the Anugrah Media Humas (AMH) organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information in 2022. Public Relations of the DIY Regional Government synergize with community elements and stakeholders to obtain factual and actual information to get valid information to be conveyed to the community. The focus of the research is how this Instagram account functions as the main communication tool to convey public policy to the public through social media. Through a qualitative descriptive research method, this research documents the steps taken in managing the account, from the planning to the evaluation stage. The results of the research show that the management of Instagram involves the planning stages, making news articles, information coverage, to evaluation, with positive results in conveying government information to the public and involving them in the decision-making process, by the goals of Public Relations to provide information that is fast and well received by the public.

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